Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ramping up your workouts

     In my last post I reported that I had been having trouble getting motivated to workout after my race.  If you find yourself having this problem then it is time to change your focus and ramp up your workouts in a different way.  I have decided that my next race is going to be a full marathon.  I have decided this because I was unhappy with my run time in my triathlon and I want to become a more efficient and faster runner.
     For the last week and a half I have been spending more time back in the gym lifting more weights.  I have also decided that I want to really intensify my lifting workouts to build some strength in the off season with the intent of working on my weak spots for next years tri season.  This goal may seem counter productive at first, but I said I am trying to build more strength and this does not necessarily mean mass.  I am looking to become leaner and stronger.  These will include some Olympic lifts, foot speed drills, boxing training, and yoga.
     Combining these two goals should help mend the chinks in the old triathlon armor and hopefully make me a faster and less injury prone triathlete.